We, Dreamers are a new company founded in 2009. Our main line of work includes building web portal, SNS apps , and blog widgets.
As other entrepreneurs are still trying to copy ideas from the States to Taiwan, we surface enticing ideas and work on bringing them to the western world. Web 2.0 has been superb and praised significantly in the past few years. Although some people consider it overrated, we still believe it has its own business module more than just counting on the frequent page views for advertising. Besides, we simply crave to create superb, practical websites and share with the world!!! ☺
Raised in a strict family, his childhood was disciplined in a stringent atmosphere. His words were terse before age 13. He had purchased his first motorbike and scored an official girlfriend by the age of 15. Until high school, he was required to study a painstaking fourteen hours a day.
He has always had the rebellious spirit deep in his soul, always wanting to challenge the existing rules. At age 17, he was suspended from high school and driven away to Melbourne, Australia. The young explorer landed his first car at age 18, for the price of $2000. By age 21, he had dropped out of college. He continued by serving in the army as a financial officer of the brigade, and completed service by age 22. At age 23 a career began when he became a mechanical engineer, and he became the chief mechanical engineer of a plastic-injection machinery corporation by age 24. Soon he was known as the hottest engineer in the industry with a 19-year-old heart in a 25-year-old body.
Later he decided to give up all the respect and salary he earned by plunging into the mysterious land of internet jungle at age 27 for making all his dreams come true. He believes in the internet as he believes in love. He believes the greatest thing God has ever created is love, and the greatest thing human being ever created is internet. Now he is about to make the internet better than love!
Lavishly, the guy decorates with playboy exterior but fragile interior. He looks like a player but he is a prayer;lay with countless girls and fallen in love with five of them. Cheated? Yes, once. However he’s been cheated as well. What is the most romantic, passionate thing he’s done for his girlfriend? How about igniting fireworks, strumming the guitar while singing her birthday song?
He’s smiley ☺, groovy, horny and passionate. He’s also talented and creative. Plus, he’s a helpless romantic. His name is Ben.
他生長在一個管教嚴厲的家庭. 13歲以前沉默寡言. 15歲時買了第一台摩托車且交了第一個女友. 高中之前每天都被逼著念14小時的書.
但骨子裡他性格叛逆, 桀傲不遜. 總是愛挑戰現有體制的拘束. 17歲時休學前往澳洲墨爾本. 這位小探險家在18歲時存了2000澳幣買了他人生第一部車. 21歲輟學回台灣服兵役. 22歲退伍之前擔任指揮部行政士. 退伍後不削在父親公司上班,23歲開始在一家塑膠射出成型機製當機構工程師, 一年多後升上了設計課課長. 當時的他才24歲, 並在業界成為一位炙手可熱的搶手貨. 直到25歲他才意識到原來自己已不再是19歲的小男孩.
27歲時為了完成夢, 他決定放棄現有的一切,勇敢的投身到網路創業的紅海. 他相信網路就跟戀愛一樣甜美. 愛情是上帝創造最美好的事, 網路則是人類最突破的創造, 而現在他將試著破除這個極限!
毫不做作的, 在他花花公子的外表之下卻有顆脆弱的內心. 他看似玩咖卻是個俗辣;, 上過很多女人但真正愛的有5個. 在愛情裡受過傷害卻 不小心也傷了別人. 這輩子做過最浪漫的事是在女友生日的時候捧著蛋糕一面放煙火聽著她許願一面彈著吉它唱情歌.
他總是滿臉微笑☺, 他聰明並且充滿創造力, 他熱情外加一點色情, 他不追求時尚甚至有點復古. 除此之外他還是個浪漫到無可救藥的傢伙. 他的名字叫做 班.
Everyone was once a kid and had tons of dreams;dream to be an actor, dream to be a pilot or even dream to be the president. However, do you still remember the little but passionate dream you used to have when you were 6 years old?
When life becomes a struggle and reality breathes down your neck with nowhere to breathe, all you can do is just taking all these grievances and swallow them down. Life becomes 10 insipid hours of work a day just for feeding your family;it is nothing but a torture of repetition.
I was a chief mechanical engineer of a plastic-injection machinery corporation. I used to work 12 hours a day in average just to make a slightly higher salary than the average Taiwanese Joe. One day I woke up and realized my life was fading and it freaked me out. I will be living a life of repetition doing exactly the same thing I had been doing everyday if I don’t make a change. I felt like a living corpse. Where did all my dreams go? So I took a brave step just like the famous Dancing Matt. I quit my job;took a long vacation for 6 months in search of what I really wanted to do. Being a heavy internet user, and a creative person, I found that sometimes I came up with some cooler and better ideas than the already bountiful cool things and useful tools on the web. So I figured, “ Why not do this for my job? ” Maybe I can be as lucky as Kyle MacDonald who traded one red paperclip for a house. That’s the power of internet that no other else can give. Therefore I did an insightful research and analysis. I decided to follow my dreams and establish this firm.
However, I totally understand that dreaming is not going to make you rich and feed your family, and I am not an unrealistic dreamer. The dream I have is based on the reality and is possible to make it comes true. I’ve always liked the line in the movie Forrest Gump. “ Life is like a box of chocolates;you never know what you're gonna get. ” Instead of sitting here wondering if it is worth taking the risk, I’ve chosen to give myself a chance so that I won’t have any regrets. All it needs is just a little bit of adventurous spirit and a further step. So, if you feel the way I feel, simply join us and begin your adventure!
還記得小的時候總是有好多好多的夢想, 想要當明星, 歌星, 總統, 太空人甚至是超人. 隨著小小的身軀漸漸長大, 小時候的大夢想卻漸漸消失. 長大後的生活枯燥乏味, 為了養家活口 每天作著一樣的工作, 沒天沒夜的加班. 日子就這樣一天天過去, 生活變成了一成不變的折磨.
幾個月前我還是一間塑膠射出成型機製造廠設計課課長, 曾經也對機械設計充滿著興趣和熱情. 雖然機械設計也可以很活很有創意, 但金屬的物理性質和台灣的整體環境, 讓設計者很難有突破性的創新. 27歲的我開始在人生路上有了疑問. “ 難道我就要這樣下去了嗎? ” 我問我自己. “ 我的保時捷呢? 我那有庭院可以讓貓咪曬太陽的大房子在哪? 和bunny環遊世界都只是說說的嗎? “ 就在看完 命運好好玩 的那一瞬間, 我發覺我的生命是否就要這樣逝去, 會不會就這樣一轉眼一回頭就60歲了??? 認真想了好久, 我終於在人生路上踏出了一大步就像著名的 阿宅馬特 一樣. 我放棄了出社會至今累積的努力和成就, 從我熟悉的機械業離開並勇敢的踏向未知的創業領域.
辭職後好好的玩了一陣子, 做了些瘋狂的事並認真的思考我到底想怎樣過生活. 對於網路重度依賴的我, 同時又是個喜歡挑戰未知並極具創造力的人. 當我在網路上發現一些很酷又很有用的網站的同時, 我發覺我想的比它們更棒更屌!! 突然腦海裡一個念頭 “ 那不如就把我喜愛的網路當作工作吧 “ 也許我會像Kyle MacDonald一樣幸運用 一根迴紋針換到一棟房子呢!! 這就是網路殺死人不償命的魅力阿!!! 之後我認真的對網路產業做了一番研究, 看到了國外幾個大網站像Facebook , YouTube 及國內 無名小站 ( 撇開成功背後的 爭議性 , 他無庸置疑是國內最成功的網站之一 ), 愛情公寓 的成功, 也看到一堆 死在沙灘上 的前輩們. 深深被網路的無限可能和不可預知性所吸引著. 一個網站要成功不是單純的把現有大網站成功因素加一加就一定會成功的. 不是說我今天 mashup 一下做一個 Google + Facebook + Amazon ( XD ) 就一定會一票而紅. 像 PTT , 我想一定一堆網路創業家想破頭也搞不懂, 這麼醜又難用的介面, 這種過時代的技術所做出的東西怎麼一狗票人每天在上面閒晃??? 對, 這就是網路可愛又可怕的地方阿. 於是我下定決心, 在這個大環境不景氣的時代裡準備了十足的勇氣, 創設了 Dreamers 好去實現我所有的夢想!!
雖然說我是個浪漫的冒險家, 但我同時也是一個現實主義者. 正向思考雖然往往會讓事情往好的地方發展, 但同時一定也要有足夠的準備和風險評估. 我一直很喜歡電影 阿甘正傳. 裡的台詞 “ 人生有如一盒巧克力, 你永遠不知道你將嚐到哪種味道. ” ( 是我崇洋媚外嗎? 為何翻成中文就變得不那麼感動了?! ) 與其坐在這裡猶豫著這樣到底會不會成功, 我選擇在這不景氣的年代大步向前. 要是你骨子裏有那麼一點點冒險患難的精神, 自覺懷才不遇, 我們非常誠摯的邀請你 加入我們的行列!!!!